Virtual Roadshow Services

Business people looking at a screen during a virtual roadshow video conference in the office

Build Awareness, Generate Growth, Drive Market Value

A Virtual Roadshow delivers your corporate communications message to your audience by leveraging the impact of live events with webinar technology.

Tickerforce can organize a webinar that showcases your company. We can also increase your audience with a dedicated call center and email campaign that confirms attendees.

A virtual roadshow allows companies to share detailed presentations with interested investors. Specializing in IPO presentations, Virtual Roadshows offers experienced investors free and direct access to information about companies going public, companies with secondary offerings, and public companies proactively communicating their story to serious investors.

Virtual Roadshows can also be employed to:

Shareholder meetings
Stream meetings
Stream announcements
Sales meetings
Planning sessions
Eliminate travel costs
Build Awareness, Generate Growth and Drive Market Value